Function Reference


Initiates a Browse For Folder dialog.

FileSelectFolder ( "dialog text", "root dir" [, flag [, "initial dir"]] )



dialog text Text greeting in dialog.
root dir Root directory of GUI file tree. Use "" for Desktop to be root.
flag [optional]
 1 = Show Create Folder Button (requires IE6.0 or later)
 2 = Use New Dialog Style (requires IE5.0 or later)
 4 = Show Edit Control (to type a foldername)
initial dir Initial/start directory that will be selected if exist.


Return Value

Success: Returns full path of the folder chosen.
Failure: Returns "" (blank string) and sets @error to 1 if user cancels/closes the window.



The root dir will be chosen if the initial dir (if given) does not exist.
A nonexistent root dir will also cause the Desktop folder to be root.
The "Create Folder Button" option may require Windows XP with IE6 in order to work.
Special Windows folders (such as "My Documents") can be set as root by using the right CLSID detailed in the Appendix.



FileSaveDialog, FileOpenDialog



$var = FileSelectFolder("Choose a folder.", "")